Can you get Covid after a vaccine?

Though it’s rare, you can still catch COVID-19 after getting vaccinated, but research shows milder symptoms and lower transmission.




How long does the Covid vaccine last?

It is too soon to know how long a vaccine will last. It is currently being researched. Of the people who have received the vaccine, we know that they have been protected from COVID-19 for at least 4 months.



Are Covid 19 vaccines safe?

Health officials say the vaccines are safe, and individual reports of deaths after a COVID-19 immunization must be considered in the context of several factors, including the overall death rate among people who’ve gotten the vaccines compared with the overall death rate of the unvaccinated population.



What are the storing rules for the COVID-19 vaccine?

States/UTs must ensure adequate cold chain storage capacity for the COVID-19 vaccine campaign. Cold chain handlers, and vaccinators at all levels will be trained on procedures for vaccine and logistics management as well as infection prevention and control precautions.



What is the process flow for vaccination of walk in beneficiary using Anohra App ?


1.Beneficiary who wants to take the Covid -19 vaccine as a “walk- in” in a private hospital clicks the block “ Covid Vaccine-Walk-in Beneficiary” on the top of the home page. This facility is presently available for beneficiaries above 60 years of age and those above 45 years and with certain comorbidities.Click here for comorbidities list

2.The beneficiary chooses the city (presently 3 cities in Maharashtra are available in the App- Mumbai, Nagpur and Pune) and the nearest hospital to get vaccinated. Click here for the List of hospitals in Maharashtra. 45 private hospitals in Nagpur empaneled under CGHS or Ayushman Bharat are part of the drive.The App will suggest the nearest hospital depending on the location of the beneficiary.

3.The beneficiary chooses the date and time slots available for vaccination.

4.If the time slot is already taken, the beneficiary will not be able to choose the time slot. The form also captures the comorbidities and age of the  beneficiary. The beneficiary  uploads a certificate from a doctor stating he has the comorbidities.The comorbidities can also be viewed in the profile page of the user.

5.The beneficiary pays a pre-fixed charge, say, 400 rs (or the amount decided by the government) for the vaccine through the Anohra App

  1. The beneficiary will be able to download a receipt of payment from the app
  2. Once the beneficiaries’ request is accepted after identity verification, the beneficiary reaches the vaccination center.
  3. The beneficiary gets vaccinated and is monitored in the hospital for half an hour.
  4. The beneficiary gets a selfie at the selfie corner before leaving.
  5. The beneficiary will be able to download his vaccination certificate from the Anohra site. Reference ID of the beneficiary is needed to download the certificate.
  6. The beneficiary will also be able to download the selfie from the app, the link of which is available in the profile page.