Registration Click to register. The first alumni in each Batch wins a gift! Upload a clear passport size photograph in formal wear and other snaps of interest/ documents Name - Surname or Initials first. Do not add "Dr." First alumni to register from each batch/ decade will get a surprise gift. Which GMC Nagpur joining batch are you from? Current Postal address with Pincode. Please add the nearest landmark Mobile Number. Add the whatsapp number if it is different email id Medical Speciality/Fellowship, Other qualifications Awards/Recognition Special Mention . Hobbies or creative talent etc. Date of Birth Wedding Anniversary To gain event exposure and to create a buzz around our event, we have created a competition for attendees. Ask a question to your favourite Dean. The most interesting questions will be put to the Dean on the day of the event. What is your question? To which Dean is your question addressed? For a list of all the Deans who will attend the event, visit Mention the Dean’s Name here Do you want to purchase Alumni merchandise? It's optional. Registration to Confluence is free. A sash and a coffee mug will be couriered to your address you have already mentioned for Rs 600. Upload screenshot of your payment receipt in next section YesNoOther Upload screenshot of your payment receipt . For help call Azher 95955 85788