Activity Report

Eight Rules of Zoom Meeting Etiquette From the Pros
Please wear formals if you can. It is not compulsory. Avoid Sleeveless t shirts. Make sure you have the best internet network. Do not try to access the meeting during your visit to your farm house . Sit Still. Dont attend meeting in bed or while riding a bike. It is insulting to our teachers! Don’t Be Late.
Do not use 2 devices in the same room when attending a zoom meeting. There will be a lot of audio disturbance for the attendees. If 2 attendees are watching together, you will have to move to separate rooms.
Use a laptop. A desktop has too many things that can go wrong. Like a webcam or audio cable may be loose! Turn on the Camera as soon as you join the meeting.
If you have to attend the meeting using a mobile phone, Your name as in your gmail id will be used for display during a zoom meeting. If you didn’t log in using your gmail ID, A field says “ Join with your personal link name”. The phones by default take the mobile name – Nokia, oppo or iPhone etc. So your name appears as Nokia or Oppo in zoom to attendees. Please edit it so we can identify you.
No Eating. …Don’t Multitask.
Always select a virtual background in Zoom. It just looks professional.
Close the door to your room where you are seated. Don’t allow children or pets in the room from where you are attending the meeting. Mute your mikes and unmute only when you are asked to talk. We will mute all current and new participants in case of too much disturbance during the event. We will allow participants to unmute themselves at any time during the meeting.
On Sep 19, 2021 at 07:00 PM IST, the 1st among the 75 Programmes for 75 Glorious Years of GMC Nagpur was organised.
Topic: Suicide among Doctor families. Can we prevent this? -Time: Sep 19, 2021 07:00 PM India
A Zoom event is being organised by “GMC nagpur alumni online” team this Sunday, 19th September 2021 at 7PM.
Topic: Suicide among Doctor families. Can we prevent this?
Dr.Shrikant Bobde, 1986 batch GMC, Nagpur, Neurodevelopental Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, London, United Kingdom (UK)
Doctors have lost their children to suicide. Parents will Open Up about Losing a Child to Suicide and our psychiatrist will help us understand what is happening in our child’s minds!